Meet LaVell Winsor

My husband and I are part of a third-generation farming operation with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law. We raise row crops between Topeka and Lawrence. My responsibilities are crop marketing and financial management. I was raised on a first-generation family farm in eastern Colorado.

Professionally, my background is in risk management, farm financial analysis, and succession planning. I have always worked directly with farmers helping them with their commodity marketing and finances.  Off-farm, I am a Farm Financial Analyst with Kansas State University, Agricultural Economics Department. I help farm families with the financial management of their businesses. I have co-taught three different educational series on Farm Finance, Risk Management, and Land Leasing.


  • Trinity Lutheran Church, Audit & Nominating Committees

  • American Soybean Association, Conservation Champion

  • Grantville 4-H Club, Cloverbud Leader

  • Women Managing the Farm, Executive Board & Sponsorship Chair

  • Perry Lecompton District Site Council

  • Deer Creek Limestone Formation Community Trust, Trustee & Treasurer

  • CommonGround